Is Wordpress the best solution for your business?

by | Oct 7, 2018 | Wordpress

Given the fact that more than 26% of all websites on the internet run on WordPress, it would be correct to say that when it comes to CMS, WordPress runs the internet. When compared to other Content Management Systems like Joomla, Magento, Shopify, and more, WordPress is the most widely used, and for good reason.
Apart from the common advantages that most CMS software have like being open source, and running on PHP and MySql, WordPress packs a lot more features that make it the best choice for businesses – both small and large.
This article will give you the top 5 reasons why WordPress is the best solution for small businesses.

1. SEO friendly

Search Engine Optimization is a fundamental aspect to success online. This means that for any business website or personal blog to succeed at what it was intended for, it has to be optimized for search engines.
Unfortunately, optimizing a website for SEO is not as easy as it may sound. Expert knowledge of how search engines rank pages is required to optimize a website. Small business owners are, therefore, at an immediate disadvantage. They either have to learn how to optimize a website themselves, or get a professional to do it. Learning to optimize their website will take too much time and getting an expert to help will most definitely cost a small fortune because expert knowledge is not cheap.
The good news is that WordPress makes the job of optimizing a website for SEO much lighter. Out of the box, WordPress is the most SEO friendly CMS. It is fast and very easy to tweak to get optimum optimization. This means you do not necessarily need to be an expert to do it. All you need is some guidance, and there is plenty of that on the internet.
However, this does not mean that you should use it as is. For best results, it is highly recommended that you use third-party plugins specifically made for SEO optimization. Some of the best WordPress SEO plugins are Yoast SEO and All-In-One SEO pack. However, you can find more in the WordPress plugin repository.

2. Optimized for mobile users

As of December 2013, mobile usage accounted for 53% of total digital media time and desktop usage accounted for 47%. By December of 2015, mobile usage had risen to 65%, while desktop usage had dropped by 12% to 35% of total digital media time, and the trend is expected to continue.
If these numbers are anything to go by, they are an indication that mobile usage has taken over the internet. As such, those who stand to gain the most are businesses that have optimized their websites for mobile users.
Again, WordPress shines in this regard. It has been designed from the ground up to be mobile friendly. Thanks to responsive layouts and themes (which we will cover shortly), WordPress provides the easiest way of ensuring your website is usable on any device. You can even create different layout options for different platforms if your theme is capable of this. It is truly that simple. What is more, you do not require any technical know-how.

3. Large variety of themes

The look and feel of a website tell a lot about a company. Therefore, given the fact that this is what your global audience will use to create their first impressions of who you are, careful work needs to go into the design.
A good layout is one that is not too flashy, but also not too dull. Therefore, for most businesses the problem lies in getting the balance right. Without an understanding of programming languages like PHP, JavaScript, and MySql, creating a great website layout becomes impossible. Hiring a professional website designer is in most cases too costly and therefore does not help much.
But with the large variety of themes available for WordPress, it is impossible not to find one that perfectly suits your business model. It is estimated that there are more than 10,000 WordPress themes – without counting those in WordPress’ theme directory. This is the largest number of themes available for any individual CMS.
You can find a suitable theme for your eCommerce website, business website, or even personal hobby. The only problem with such a huge number of themes to choose from is that it is easy to be spoilt for choice.

4. Extendable through plugins

Each website needs to reflect the business it is for. This means that functionalities of different websites will greatly differ. While out of the box WordPress is a great CMS for blogging, its functionality can be greatly extended through plugins. With a few installs, you can move from a simple blogging website to a powerful eCommerce site, booking agency, or even online gallery. The possibilities are virtually endless.
Apart from extending functionality, you can use plugins to tweak your website. Some examples of ways you tweak a WordPress installation is by using SEO optimization plugins like Yoast SEO, caching plugins like W3 Total Cache, analytic plugins like google analytics, security plugins like Akismet, and more.

5. Easy to manage content

WordPress’ content management design is simple yet powerful, and this is one of the reasons it is so popular. Content is classified as either a page or post, making it easy for even people with zero technical know how to manage a website without any help whatsoever.
The idea behind these classifications is simple: pages are meant for more static content. Content that you would never, or very rarely change like contact pages, about us pages, and terms and conditions. Posts, on the other hand, are meant for more dynamic content. This is therefore where you would post your news posts, updates, or business blog.
Structurally pages and posts are similar, the only major difference is that you can assign categories to posts. Apart from this, you can design both pages and posts in whatever way you wish.

If you are planning to create a website for your small business, WordPress is your best option. It simplifies your work and eliminates the need of having technical knowledge. Therefore you can accomplish things faster and gain more from your online presence.

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